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Are You Wandering?

Are You Wandering?

“Why, O Lord, do You make us wander from Your ways and harden our hearts so we do not revere You? Return for the sake of Your servants, the tribes that are Your inheritance” (Isa. 63:17). 

“Wander from Your ways” is powerfully descriptive as we consider how easy it is to move away from a right relationship to God. It does not take effort to drift. You just quit trying. You lose focus. Staying close to God requires effort. We are not talking about earning our salvation . . . that is not dependent upon our effort, but upon God’s grace. Maintaining and nurturing the relationship will mean giving ourselves to prayer, the Word, fellowship, and worship.

How many have shipwrecked their faith, not by deliberate rebellion, but by drifting away through inattention? Wandering aimlessly through life, we miss the Lord’s presence and His power to transform. Might that even be a picture of the 21st century church today as we wander away from the firm commitment to daily seek His face?

O God, forgive my tendency to wander away from You. I get so caught up in daily activities that I find myself off doing my own thing and not paying attention to You. Like the hymnist I find myself saying, “prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here’s my heart, Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above.”


Are You Wandering?


“But You are our Father, though Abraham does not know us or Israel acknowledge us; You, O Lord, are our Father, our Redeemer from of old is Your name” (Isaiah 63:16).

This scripture passage has a powerful and much-needed statement of faith. In spite of the poor spiritual condition of the nation and their estrangement from God, His people still spoke out by faith the truth that God was their Father. It was an essential step for them. There was every indication that the presence of God had been removed. God, earlier in this passage, declared that He was fighting against them. But in their repentance and sorrow, they held on to the truth of their covenant relationship with God as their Father. It was a breakthrough moment.

How often we need those breakthrough moments. Christians everywhere are living below their spiritual potential. Prayers go unanswered. God seems far away.  We wonder about our relationship with Him. It is time to speak by faith who He is and who we are in Christ. When we wonder and doubt whether revival can ever come again, it is time to hold on to the truth of God’s Word–that Jesus is coming for a Bride who is pure and holy, adorned in white . . . a church that has been revived!

Father, how we love to call You by this name! You are indeed our Eternal Father. We have been brought into Your family through Jesus Christ, adopted as sons and daughters, and sealed with Your precious Spirit. Give us boldness to speak Your Word by faith, even when the circumstances around us seem to go against it. We believe You, Lord, more than our circumstances. Thank You for the unchanging nature of Your Word.


Are You Wandering?

“Where is He who set His Holy Spirit among them, who sent His glorious arm of power to be at Moses’ right hand, who divided the waters before them, to gain for Himself everlasting renown, who led them through the depths? Like a horse in open country, they did not stumble; like cattle that go down to the plain, they were given rest by the Spirit of the Lord. This is how You guided Your people to make for Yourself a glorious name” (Isa. 63:11b-14).

When the people of God were experiencing the Lord’s manifest presence, it was a time of great power and awesome deeds from the Lord’s hand. Moses and the time of the Exodus was always the prime example of this for the people of Judah. The Israelites passing through the waters of the Red Sea was a continual reminder of God’s great power employed on their behalf. His presence was clearly with them, and provided for them, even in the midst of difficult times.

It is easy for us to miss the main point of this passage, and the story of the Exodus. It was not primarily about Israel or Moses . . . it was about God and His power and grace. Isaiah points this out twice in this passage. The miracles of God on behalf of Israel were done: “to gain for Himself everlasting renown,” and “to make for Yourself a glorious name.” As we seek the Lord’s presence and the joy of revival, it is vital that we remember this is not for us to just have a good time in the Lord. It is all about Christ receiving even greater glory and honor as He blesses His people with His presence.

Lord Jesus, how we long to see You receive honor and glory among the nations. Do a mighty work within us so that Your name will be glorified. We do not seek to be recognized. Instead, we want You to be celebrated! Show us ways that we can continually point others to You.


Are You Wandering?

Then His people recalled the days of old, the days of Moses and His people–where is He who brought them through the sea, with the shepherd of His flock? Where is He who set His Holy Spirit among them…” (Isaiah 63:11).

“Recalled” is a powerful word. Especially in this situation, the recollection of what God had done in the past led to a revival among the Lord’s people. It is so easy to forget the amazing works of God. That is never more true than when we get caught up in our own desires and ways. Forging ahead in our self-centeredness and sin, we forget all God has done in the past. So it was with the nation of Judah in Isaiah’s day.

Now, however, God stepped in to punish their sin. Disaster ruled the day. The presence of God seemed far away. Sin did not seem so fun. Bit by bit, they began to remember that things used to be different. There was a time when God had led them through the godly leadership of Moses. There was a time when the Holy Spirit was present and made a real difference in their lives as individuals and as a nation.

Remembering past moves of God can be powerful. It can stir us to repentance and longing for a renewed sense of the presence of God. What are you remembering today?

Father, thank You for the gift of memory and for stories that have been passed down through the generations about the ways You have moved in the midst of Your people. Thank You for stories of revival from the Great Awakening in the United States and beyond. Lord, would You use those stories to stir within our hearts a desire for similar awakenings? Help us, Lord, to remind each other of Your work in days past, and of our great need today. May we recall those things that You would have us meditate on and pray over.


Are You Wandering?

There are many definitions for revival. For the Christian, they all revolve around experiencing the Presence of Christ in a fresh, new way. My friend, David Bryant, has often said that the Second Coming of Christ will be the greatest revival, because it will be the clearest expression of the Presence of Christ. Until that time, though, the Spirit of Christ will continue to stir us up to pray for an even greater longing for His Presence.

One of the many ways that Scriptures speak of the Divine presence is through the imagery of the House of God. Over and over in God’s Word we see the promises of His people one day dwelling with Him forever in His House. Certainly there is this firm promise of someday in the future enjoying the pleasures of the Lord’s presence in His own dwelling place, but the Bible also strongly teaches of the possibility of dwelling in His House while still in the midst of this life.

We often think of the event and corporate aspect of revival and that is a very valid and profitable viewpoint. What, though, of the possibility of personal revival as a continuous way of life, as we learn to live daily in His House? There are so many passages of scripture that speak of this exciting and transformative lifestyle of dwelling in the Lord’s House.

A number of years ago, the Lord grabbed my heart through Psalm 27:4: “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life; gazing upon His beauty, seeking Him in His temple.” It is apparent that David was not talking about heaven by and by, but a current experience of God’s presence. For years now, I have made this a daily prayer.

I have to confess, though, that for the first couple of years, I had to add on something. After I had prayed Psalm 27:4, I added, “And, Lord, help me to understand what I just prayed.” What does it mean to live in the House of God in the midst of everyday life? As we begin to learn the answer to this and experience it in our own lives, we will be walking in a revived life in the Spirit.

(c) Harvest Prayer Ministries