Dave’s Blog

Dave (1953-2022) and Kim Butts are the founders of Harvest Prayer Ministries. As long-time teachers on prayer and revival, Dave and Kim have published multiple books between them. They have written for multiple magazines and publications.  Along with the abundance of articles on this website, categorized for your convenience, these blogs reflect Dave and Kim’s thoughts, experiences, insights and teaching on prayer.  

Peace in the Dark Places

Peace in the Dark Places

Peace in the Dark Places Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4, ESV) I was a 13-year-old paperboy, getting up at 3:30 a.m. every morning to fold and...

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3 Principles of Prayerful Giving

3 Principles of Prayerful Giving

3 Principles of Prayerful Giving I am amazed at the clear insight God granted King David in so many areas, including giving and possessions. In his later years, David gathered everything needed for his son Solomon to build the Temple of God, a place of worship. As you...

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The Transforming Power of Pastoral Prayer

The Transforming Power of Pastoral Prayer

The Transforming Power of Pastoral Prayer I often hear pastors speak of their desire to have a church that prays more.  I certainly understand and appreciate that desire. A praying church is a powerful church in so many ways. While there are many things that can be...

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Good Morning, Lord!

Good Morning, Lord!

Good Morning, Lord! I’m often asked about my own prayer life. It’s always embarrassing to answer because I don’t feel like a great man of prayer. But the opposite is true also. I hate to answer because it looks like I’ve got it all together. So can I just say that...

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Prayer Power in the Church

Prayer Power in the Church

Prayer Power in the Church I love this statement from S.D. Gordon on the power of prayer: “The great people of the earth today are the people who pray!  I do not mean those who talk about prayer; nor those who say they believe in prayer; nor those who explain prayer;...

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Are You Zealous for God?

Are You Zealous for God?

Are You Zealous for God? When you hear the word “zealot” what do you think of? Fanatic? Weird? Overly religious? Maybe an extremely emotional person? I think that most people would say of zeal that it’s just not who they are. Many people have a tendency to identify...

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Praying for Peace

Praying for Peace

Praying for Peace Growing up in the sixties and seventies gave me a firsthand view of the peace sign used by anti-war protestors and many others. Those two fingers signifying peace was all about being against war. Though being against war is good, the peace that Jesus...

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Is Ceaseless Prayer Really Possible?

Is Ceaseless Prayer Really Possible?

Is Ceaseless Prayer Really Possible? Have you ever wondered how to respond in a practical way to Paul’s admonition in I Thessalonians 5:18 to “pray without ceasing”? Some of you may have some of the same questions I have wrestled with over the years: How do you do...

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Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801
email: info@harvestprayer.com

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