Dave’s Blog

Dave (1953-2022) and Kim Butts are the founders of Harvest Prayer Ministries. As long-time teachers on prayer and revival, Dave and Kim have published multiple books between them. They have written for multiple magazines and publications.  Along with the abundance of articles on this website, categorized for your convenience, these blogs reflect Dave and Kim’s thoughts, experiences, insights and teaching on prayer.  

Praying into the Second Coming of Jesus

Praying into the Second Coming of Jesus

Praying into the Second Coming of Jesus         Dave & Kim Butts with Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne Graham Lotz. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”...

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The Key to Relieving Your Fear

The Key to Relieving Your Fear

The Key to Relieving Your Fear Though unwanted, fear seems to be a universal part of life. Reaction to fear varies from person to person, but fears that are not dealt with can bring damage and paralysis to a life. An example would be the individual with acrophobia (a...

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Has Revival Started?

Has Revival Started?

Has Revival Started? Saturday, October 7, 2017, is marked in my mind and heart as one of the most extraordinary days I’ve ever experienced. That’s kind of funny because it doesn’t involve one of those big, memorable events that so often mark our...

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Peace That Passes Understanding

Peace That Passes Understanding

Peace That Passes Understanding And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7) The Lord has amazing timing, doesn’t he? For several months I have been pulling together resources and...

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Accepting the Peace of God

Accepting the Peace of God

Accepting the Peace of God Because this is a devotional on peace, it is embarrassing to admit that sometimes I have some anxiety. It can especially hit me at night when I am trying to sleep. If I’m not careful it can develop into a full-blown panic attack. I feel like...

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4 Steps to Overcome Spiritual Dryness

4 Steps to Overcome Spiritual Dryness

4 Steps to Overcome Spiritual Dryness I love a good rain in the summer–especially after it has been awhile since we have had a downpour. Rain changes so much. There is a fresh, sweet smell that comes with it, a coolness in the heat, and all vegetation perks up and...

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Where Is Your Tent of Meeting?

Where Is Your Tent of Meeting?

Where Is Your Tent of Meeting? At a staff gathering recently, I was asked which Bible character was a real hero to me. My immediate answer was Moses, not so much because of his amazing miracles or leadership ability, but because of his intimacy with God. Again and...

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A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The United States is clearly a nation in trouble. A battered economy, political divisiveness, the culture wars, racial uneasiness, and a sidelined church, provide the dry tinder for an inflammatory national election in November of 2016....

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PRAYING FOR REVIVAL IN AMERICA What is it we are asking for as we pray for revival? Ultimately, it is for the people of God to begin to experience the presence of Christ in a fresh new way. All other results flow from that. Changed lives in the Church as well as...

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Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801
email: info@harvestprayer.com

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