Helping Christians grow through prayer
Here is a simple prayer tip for a prayer room, a 24-7 season of prayer, or for families at home. One person will need to monitor the activity and keep things in order. This is easily adaptable to your own creative ideas!
Materials Needed:
Small clothespins or other kinds of similar clips
Large corkboard, bulletin board, or really any kind of board.
Sturdy twine or wire
Any kind of paper or 3×5 cards
Small table with instructions, cards/paper, things to write or draw with, Bibles, etc.
Two baskets or boxes – one for prayer requests/praises that have yet to be put up and one for the prayer requests that have been prayed over for a specified season of time.
Set-Up: The picture here is just one way to do this prayer station. Be as creative with this as you wish – there is no right or wrong way! Your prayer wall might look very different from this one. It’s just here to give you the basic idea.
Attach two or more strands of twine or wire to the back of the board and stretch horizontally to the other side in the back.
Put clips or clothespins several inches apart along each wire all the way across.
Label each strand above or below as to what the focus is. We suggest leaving the top strand for PRAISES/ANSWERED PRAYER. Others can be labeled things like: One Another, Pastors & Staff, Missionaries, Lost people, etc. Whatever you wish to focus on.
Consider leaving all of the praise reports up as they don’t need to be moved – maybe get some additional clips, or clip one to another so that people can see all of the amazing ways God moves.
The person monitoring the requests should check regularly to be sure everything is in order and perhaps follow-up on the requests that are in the basket to see if they need another round starting at the beginning. If possible, follow up to see if the prayer has been answered or needs an update.
Instructions for use (again, just a suggestion):
Use this prayer wall to lift up the needs of others, to leave a request of your own, and to share praises/answered prayers.
1. To post a prayer request:
2. To pray for others:
3. To post a praise or answered prayer:
4. To join in the praises, read through what has been posted!
Remember, you can use this idea as a jumping off place for your own creative ideas!
PRAYER, PEACE, and the PRESENCE of GOD by David Butts
As believers, we are supposed to walk in the peace of Christ, yet we all have stressful issues and circumstances that rob us of this peace. Subtitled “A 30-Day Journey to Experience the Shalom of Jesus,” Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God powerfully encourages the reader on how to hold onto that peace in any circumstance.
The author, David Butts, started writing this book and 10 days into it he got word that he was in stage 4 with a rare form of lymphoma. God allowed him to live, in a greater way, what he is challenging readers to do in Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God.
His 30-day devotional will encourage, inspire and challenge you that you, too, can experience and walk in the peace of Jesus no matter what circumstances you are walking through.
Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801
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