Helping Christians grow through prayer
We all have questions about prayer. They range from basic questions to deep theological ones. This page is designed to answer questions about prayer that come up most often as we travel to churches all over the nation.
We encourage you to review the questions below. Some of the questions are linked to a longer answer; however, it is important to know that we are trying to answer in as short and simple a way as we can in this context. When possible, we will try to link you to additional resources for a more in-depth study
If you have a question that you would like us to address here, please feel free to send it
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The best and simplest answer we have ever heard to this question involves a wonderful graphic developed by Dr. Alvin VanderGriend. It shows clearly how all prayer begins and ends with God. Follow the directions below to get a good visual as we walk through the amazing miracle called prayer!
Do this quick exercise with a paper and a pencil or pen:
The Cycle of Prayer
Next, we will work our way around the circle beginning at the top:
In an amazing way, God has, to a large extent, limited the working of His power to the prayers of His people. He has things to accomplish that won’t happen unless we pray. And there are things that God doesn’t want to have happen that will happen if His people don’t pray! This is why prayer is so much more than a simple devotional exercise! We pray because God’s power and purposes for His kingdom are tied to prayer!
Looking at prayer in this way, it is easy to see where the weak link is! Prayer is 3/4ths God and 1/4th His people! When the cycle is broken or weak, it is not because of God – it’s because we need to do better at prayer!
If you want a more in-depth look at this cycle of prayer with all of the scripture references, read the complete article: The Cycle of Prayer.
As you apply these principles to your prayer life, you will find that prayer begins to become a delight rather than a duty…and you will look forward to spending time with God, who created you to have relationship with Him.
“Prayer is the act of bringing God into every situation and asking Him to change it from something natural into something supernatural so that He can get all the glory.” – Joy Dawson.
© 2020 Harvest Prayer Ministries
First of all, it is important to recognize that there are many reasons why prayers “seem” to be unanswered, or at least not answered in the way we would wish or expect:
“The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They’re full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don’t fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need” (Matthew 6:7-8 MSG).
There are days, seasons, or events in all of our lives that sometimes seem to paralyze our hearts and leave no words available to us for prayer. When this happens, the first thing to do is remember that God is still there. He is with you in whatever you are walking through. He saw what brought the grief, or the anger, or the frustration. He is there in the depression, the addiction, the pain of rejection, the times of uncertainty. Your first step is to trust that He is right where Matthew 28:20 states He said He would always be – with us! He is with you – now and always!
Next, simply breathe in His presence. Take the next breath…and the next…and the next. Adversity or dark times can suck the air from your being and it’s so important to breathe God in and breathe out the issues or circumstances that may be causing your inability to pray. Think about the One who gave you life, who gave you Eternal Life, and who is Himself Living and Active. He has not abandoned you. His presence surrounds you. Soak in the awareness of this reality! [Read More]
If you are a Christian and you need something, the first place you should turn is to the Lord. Jesus teaches us that we are to ask for anything we need, even for daily bread. That’s how dependent on Him we are to be. It seems then, that if you want to grow in prayer, the first place to go is to God. So we suggest praying
Isn’t it interesting, and maybe a bit sad, that we struggle so much in prayer, and yet never come to the Lord and ask Him to help us to
Let’s face it! Many of us struggle to stay focused when we pray. Our culture is busy and there are so many things vying for our attention. What are some simple ways to combat the wandering mind when we want to focus our attention on God in prayer?
One of the problems that most of us have with praying is that we instinctively know that prayer isn’t about getting what I want from God. It’s about God’s will being accomplished. Yet, there are things we want God to do that are very important to us. How do we reconcile these things?
The Bible demonstrates for us a fascinating way to pray that brings together our needs and the purposes of God. I call it “so that” praying. In many
God can hear our prayers anytime, anywhere, and at any volume! He is able to hear us even when we think our prayers to Him rather than
This is an important question, as the majority of Christian couples, even pastoral couples, don’t make this a regular practice. Yet it is probably the most fulfilling and divorce-proofing thing any couple can engage in. Also, it has been said that praying together is the most intimate thing a husband and wife can do. So how do you get started? Here are a few ideas and things to consider:
Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801
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