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Help from “So That” Prayers

One of the problems that most of us have with praying is that we instinctively know that prayer isn’t about getting what I want from God. It’s about God’s will being accomplished. Yet, there are things we want God to do that are very important to us. How do we reconcile these things?

The Bible demonstrates for us a fascinating way to pray that brings together our needs and the purposes of God. I call it “so that” praying. In many places throughout Scripture you will find someone making a request of the Lord for something that is very important to him or her. Then that person closes out his or her prayer by including a “so that” addition. Almost without exception, the “so that” portion takes the prayer and focuses it on God and His purposes. It often has to do with bringing additional honor and glory to God and expanding His kingdom.

Though there are many examples, one of my favorite ones is found in Hezekiah’s great prayer in Isaiah 37. Surrounded by the Assyrian army, Hezekiah asks the Lord to deliver them. It is in verse 20 that we find the “so that” portion. “Now, Lord, our God, deliver us from his hand, so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, Lord, are the only God” (Isaiah 37:20). That powerful addition turns this prayer from being merely about Hezekiah and his people, to being about God’s honor and glory. It makes it a God-focused prayer!

We can use this clearly biblical prayer style in many of our prayers. One of the most common prayer requests I receive has to do with physical healing. I always am delighted to pray for those who are sick and in need of the healing touch of the Lord. But it takes it to a whole new level when I include a “so that” prayer. It might go like this:

“Lord, I pray for Bill that You would bring healing to him. But I ask You to do this Lord so that You would receive honor and glory. Would you touch Bill’s family and the doctors and nurses and help them to see how you have stepped in and done a powerful thing in Bill’s life. Lord, draw people near to You as You answer this prayer for healing.”

Whether you are praying for healing, or salvation, or for a family situation, or for our nation, you can turn the attention off of human needs and make it a God-focused prayer. This is not a “trick” to get things from God, but a heart-felt desire to see God move in such a way that His Kingdom is advanced. This is a biblical way to take human needs and submit them to the Lord in prayer with a desire to see God honored and worshiped.

Ultimately, all prayer should be about “Your Kingdom coming and Your will being done” and the “so that” prayers of scripture are a clear way for this to be done.

Action Step: Choose one situation from your prayer list and add a “so that” prayer to it. Pray that for a week and see what God does.

Extra Help: A great resource to help you better understand the “so that” method is the short devotional book, Praying Like Paul, by Jonathan Graf. The Apostle Paul used so that praying in almost all of his prayers in Scripture.

–Dave Butts (1953-2022) was the president of Harvest Prayer Ministries and the author or co-author of many books, including Vertical with Jesus.

Pray about Prayer

If you are a Christian and you need something, the first place you should turn is to the Lord. Jesus teaches us that we are to ask for anything we need, even for daily bread. That’s how dependent on Him we are to be. It seems to me then, that if I want to grow in prayer, the first place to go is to God. So I suggest praying about prayer.

Isn’t it interesting, and maybe a bit sad, that we struggle so much in prayer, and yet never come to the Lord and ask Him to help us to pray. Do we really believe that we are so spiritual that we can handle this on our own? If we know that God wants us to be a people of prayer, and that is certainly clear in Scriptures, then when we ask believing God to make us a person of prayer, we can expect great results. I pray every day that God would make me a man of prayer. In His way, and in His timing, He will always answer that prayer.

The apostles are a good example of this kind of prayerful dependence on the Lord as we seek to grow in prayer. Realizing how critical prayer was to the ministry of Jesus, they asked Him to teach them to pray (Lk.11:1). The truly amazing thing about this is that as far as we know, this is the only thing the apostles asked Jesus to teach them.

What was Jesus’ response to this request? He certainly did not downplay their request or tell them they didn’t need to be taught. He gave them a clear outline of what to pray in simple straightforward fashion. We often call this the Lord’s Prayer, though it might better be named the Model Prayer, or the Disciples Prayer. Jesus knew that His disciples needed help in their prayer lives, so when they asked, He provided that help for them. He will for you, too!

Make me a person of prayer.

Praying about prayer can have several important aspects. The most basic request is for help to pray. “Make me a person of prayer” is that sort of foundational prayer. You are not so concerned about methods as simply the fact that you need to be praying. Making this sort of foundational request each day will build prayer into your life for the long term.

Ask for help praying about situations.

Building on this, we begin to ask God how to pray about certain issues or situations. This recognizes our own limitations and the need for God to step in, even to the shaping of our prayers.

The great promise of the Lord’s help in this area is found in Romans: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans” (Romans 8:26). God does not leave us on our own to flail about. When we ask, He will even show us how to pray in a way that He can bring about the answer that will accomplish His purposes.

Action Step: Begin today with the most basic prayer of all: “Lord, make me a person of prayer.” Pray this every day.

–Dave Butts is the president of Harvest Prayer Ministries and the author and co-author of many articles and more than 10 books, including Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God.

Prayer FAQs


We all have questions about prayer.

We all have questions about prayer. They range from basic questions to deep theological ones. This page is designed to answer questions about prayer that come up most often as we travel to churches all over the nation.

We encourage you to review the questions below. Some of the questions are linked to a longer answer; however, it is important to know that we are trying to answer in as short and simple a way as we can in this context. When possible, we will try to link you to additional resources for a more in-depth study on the topic.

If you have a question that you would like us to address here, please feel free to send it to: If we feel it is a question that many could benefit from, we will post the answer here!

Click to reveal the answer to the question.

How does prayer actually work?

The best and simplest answer we have ever heard to this question involves a wonderful graphic developed by Dr. Alvin VanderGriend. It shows clearly how all prayer begins and ends with God. Follow the directions below to get a good visual as we walk through the amazing miracle called prayer!

Do this quick exercise with a paper and a pencil or pen:

The Cycle of Prayer

  1. Draw a circle on your paper.
  2. At the top of the circle write GOD.
  3. Going clockwise, to the right of the circle write HOLY SPIRIT.
  4. Continuing clockwise, at the bottom of the circle write BELIEVER.
  5. Continuing clockwise, to the left of the circle write JESUS.

Next, we will work our way around the circle beginning at the top:

  • God – prayer begins in the heart of God. He is the Creator and has designed prayer as a means of accomplishing His plans and purposes on earth as it is in heaven. Prayer is also how we commune with and communicate with our Heavenly Father.
  • Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit knows the mind of God. When God wants to communicate something that is on His heart to His people, the Holy Spirit, who is our Helper, brings it to us! And, when we don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit, knowing what is on our hearts, prays on our behalf!
  • Believers – We have a significant role to pray in prayer!

In an amazing way, God has, to a large extent, limited the working of His power to the prayers of His people. He has things to accomplish that won’t happen unless we pray. And there are things that God doesn’t want to have happen that will happen if His people don’t pray! This is why prayer is so much more than a simple devotional exercise! We pray because God’s power and purposes for His kingdom are tied to prayer!

  • Jesus – When we pray, we take our prayers through the powerful name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. This doesn’t mean simply tacking on “In the name of Jesus” to every prayer like a magic formula. It means we are taking our request from the heart of God, revealed to us by the Spirit, back to our Father because Jesus, the Spirit and the Father are One. Because of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, and because we believe He lives now and forever, and that HE is coming again, we have been given open and continual access – a direct line, if you will, to God.

Looking at prayer in this way, it is easy to see where the weak link is! Prayer is 3/4ths God and 1/4th His people! When the cycle is broken or weak, it is not because of God – it’s because we need to do better at prayer!

If you want a more in-depth look at this cycle of prayer with all of the scripture references, read the complete article: The Cycle of Prayer.

I keep starting and stopping in my prayer life. How can I be more consistent?


  1. Become intimate with Jesus, your Lord and Savior! It’s important to spend time with the One you love! If you spend some significant time with Him regularly (DAILY), you will begin to know His heart so that He can use you to accomplish His will on this earth. Take time to worship Him, to offer praise, and to simply sit in His presence. Intimacy with Jesus will allow you to consistently pray with intensity, fervor and purpose.
  2. Get to know Him through His Word (He IS the Living Word). Study it, memorize it, pray it, and let it soak into your spirit. The Bible should become your prayer manual. In it you will find the perfect will of God, and learn more about God’s character.
  3. Pray His word back to Him. Praying Scripture is a powerful way to know that you are praying God’s will. This knowledge alone will revolutionize your prayer life.
  4. Be still and know that He is God! Take time to listen to His voice. The more you know Him, the better you will be at hearing His voice and praying what is on His heart…and there is MUCH on His heart. Listening will keep you focused upon those things which He desires to accomplish in and through you…or on behalf of someone else, or a situation you are concerned about.
  5. Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit to pray as people, situations, countries, etc. are brought to your mind. It isn’t a random thought – it is the work of the Spirit as He calls you to intercede.
  6. If you desire to be more consistent with your prayer life, then you must determine to be disciplined and faithful. Don’t ever let your lack of “experience” stop you or slow you down. If you stop, don’t be discouraged and quit! Start again tomorrow. Always remember that prayer is not about your will being done in heaven. it is about God’s will being done on earth.

 As you apply these principles to your prayer life, you will find that prayer begins to become a delight rather than a duty…and you will look forward to spending time with God, who created you to have relationship with Him.

 “Prayer is the act of bringing God into every situation and asking Him to change it from something natural into something supernatural so that He can get all the glory.” – Joy Dawson.


© 2020 Harvest Prayer Ministries


Why do my prayers seem to go unanswered?

First of all, it is important to recognize that there are many reasons why prayers “seem” to be unanswered, or at least not answered in the way we would wish or expect:

  • The most common reason is that we have already determined what the answer we want to hear or see is before we actually ask God. In other words, we make the decision about the answer rather than waiting on the answer God wishes to give…we don’t ask God to do what He feels is best in our situation or someone else’s.
  • We may ask God with wrong motives…usually because we selfishly want something to benefit ourselves or those we know. Perhaps our prayer may be completely counter to God’s will and purposes. It is important for us to realize that every prayer we pray should bring honor and glory to God alone!
  • If we are intentionally living sinful lives, God is under no obligation to answer our prayers (Psalm 66:18). We need to check our lives carefully before coming to God with our requests and needs. If there is sinfulness, we need to confess it before Him because He promises to forgive us (1 John 1:9)…opening the way to His response to our prayer lives! This is the grace-filled life with God.
  • Sometimes we ask in a half-hearted way rather than praying with faith and power, which can make our prayer ineffective and weak…much like a medical treatment that fails because it isn’t the correct dosage or even the correct treatment. The prayer of desperation cries out to God because He is the only place to go when we are in need.
  • Sometimes what we are asking infringes upon the needs of another person, or pits us against them – even unintentionally. It’s like two parents on opposing sides rooting for the team their child plays for to win. This is asking God to take sides instead of asking forHis best in a situation. God knows what we…and our children need even more than we do! He will help us to handle loss, pain and struggle when it comes, just as He will rejoice with us in celebration and victory.
  • Our “bad” circumstances are not caused by God. We live in a fallen world where “bad things happen to good people.” Recognizing that God, through His life in us, can take our pain, disappointments and roadblocks into His heart and give us comfort, reassurance and victory in the midst of difficulty and struggle will keep us filled with hope, peace and strength. He will sometimes allow the circumstances in our lives to lead us to something better even though we may not see it at the time. He will also utilize anything the enemy attempts to do to us in ways that will be used for good – even when we may not perceive it – if we will trust Him enough to ask (Matthew 7:9-11). Too many people blame God, and walk away from their faith because they feel their prayers were not heard, were not answered, or that their prayers were not answered as they expected…because they do not understand this truth about God… He wants to give us His very best. He is always present in the believer. He understands our suffering because He suffered and died on the cross. The ultimate victory is eternal life through Jesus Christ…forever…no matter what this life may bring.
  • If we are not careful, we can miss God’s answer when it comes. It is important to be watchful in our waiting…and because the Father wants to give us His best to strengthen our walk with Him, we must be prepared to yield ourselves to His answers – even if they seem to go against what we think that answer should be. Sometimes our answers will not come in our lifetime, but in His eternal purposes we will one day see how He answered every prayer we have ever prayed…even if the answer is counter to our expectations or desires. One day it will be amazing to see how God’s hand worked in our lives and situations for His glory!

“The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They’re full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don’t fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need” (Matthew 6:7-8 MSG).

What should I do when I don’t feel like praying?

There are days, seasons, or events in all of our lives that sometimes seem to paralyze our hearts and leave no words available to us for prayer. When this happens, the first thing to do is remember that God is still there. He is with you in whatever you are walking through. He saw what brought the grief, or the anger, or the frustration. He is there in the depression, the addiction, the pain of rejection, the times of uncertainty. Your first step is to trust that He is right where Matthew 28:20 states He said He would always be – with us! He is with you – now and always!

Next, simply breathe in His presence. Take the next breath…and the next…and the next. Adversity or dark times can suck the air from your being and it’s so important to breathe God in and breathe out the issues or circumstances that may be causing your inability to pray. Think about the One who gave you life, who gave you Eternal Life, and who is Himself Living and Active. He has not abandoned you. His presence surrounds you. Soak in the awareness of this reality!   [Read More]

How can I grow in prayer?

If you are a Christian and you need something, the first place you should turn is to the Lord. Jesus teaches us that we are to ask for anything we need, even for daily bread. That’s how dependent on Him we are to be. It seems to me then, that if I want to grow in prayer, the first place to go is to God. So I suggest praying about prayer.

Isn’t it interesting, and maybe a bit sad, that we struggle so much in prayer, and yet never come to the Lord and ask Him to help us to pray. Do we really believe that we are so spiritual that we can handle this on our own? If we know that God wants us to be a people of prayer, and that is certainly clear in Scriptures, then when we ask believing God to make us a person of prayer, we can expect great results. I pray every day that God would make me a man of prayer. In His way, and in His timing, He will always answer that prayer.   [Read More]

How can I keep my mind from wandering when I pray?

Let’s face it! Many of us struggle to stay focused when we pray. Our culture is busy and there are so many things vying for our attention. What are some simple ways to combat the wandering mind when we want to focus our attention on God in prayer?

  1. Choose times for focused prayer when you are most mentally alert. If mornings are your best time of day, get up a bit early to meet with God. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, your Bible and a blanket if needed. We are to pray without ceasing, so although setting aside a certain time to pray is important, don’t forget to pay attention to the activity of God in and around you throughout each day.
  2. Keep paper and a pen nearby so that if distracting thoughts come, you can quickly write them down so you won’t forget and then go back into prayer.  [Read More]
How can I make my prayer life more about the kingdom and less about me and my needs?

One of the problems that most of us have with praying is that we instinctively know that prayer isn’t about getting what I want from God. It’s about God’s will being accomplished. Yet, there are things we want God to do that are very important to us. How do we reconcile these things?

The Bible demonstrates for us a fascinating way to pray that brings together our needs and the purposes of God. I call it “so that” praying. In many places throughout Scripture you will find someone making a request of the Lord for something that is very important to him or her. Then that person closes out his or her prayer by including a “so that” addition. Almost without exception, the “so that” portion takes the prayer and focuses it on God and His purposes. It often has to do with bringing additional honor and glory to God and expanding His kingdom.  [Read More]

How can I learn to pray out loud?

God can hear our prayers anytime, anywhere, and at any volume! He is able to hear us even when we think our prayers to Him rather than voice them. Yet, so many of us struggle and would like to be able to verbalize prayers in a group setting. Here are a few tips on how to stretch yourself a bit and grow in this area:

  1. One of the best ways to grow in praying out loud, is to practice listening to yourself reading prayers from Scripture. You could start with the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Hearing your own voice as you pray out loud is an important step.
  2. Read Psalm 145 out loud back to the Lord and then say, “Lord, You are___(fill in the blank with some of the attributes you find in this Psalm). Looking for ways to praise God in His word is a powerful way to express your love for Him out loud. The more you know about Him and His goodness and love, the more you will want to express what’s on your heart to Him.
  3. After using Scripture to help you pray out loud for awhile, try to voice your own prayers based on those you have been praying. Here is just one way: try looking at pictures of some of your family members and tell God what you want to pray for each of them. For example, “Father, my daughter Emily is really struggling to make friends in her new school this year. Would you bring her some godly young women to get to know?” Or, “Lord, my husband has such a stressful job. Please help him to feel Your presence and to be filled with peace instead of anxiety.”   [Read More]
How Can I Learn to Pray with My Spouse?

This is an important question, as the majority of Christian couples, even pastoral couples, don’t make this a regular practice. Yet it is probably the most fulfilling and divorce-proofing thing any couple can engage in. Also, it has been said that praying together is the most intimate thing a husband and wife can do.  So how do you get started? Here are a few ideas and things to consider:

  1. Maybe all it will take is for one of you to simply suggest it. Many spouses just haven’t considered this practice as it was never modeled in their own homes. Perhaps just a suggestion that you pray together for your children/grandchildren, or for one another’s day…could prime that pump.
  2. Sometimes one spouse is obviously a more seasoned prayer, especially out loud. This makes the other feel very self-conscious. Be sure to remember that you are talking to God and simply agreeing in prayer with your spouse. Reassure one another and make a commitment to be completely non-judgmental of one another’s prayer styles.
  3. Praying Scripture over family, friends and situations is a very good way to pray together if this practice seems difficult at first. For example, pray the Aaronic blessing in Numbers 6:24-26 over children/grandchildren and even over one another. Another Scripture to pray over children/grandchildren is 1 Timothy 4:12. A good prayer devotional can also be very helpful.
  4. Pray as you take walks or while you are driving together.   [Read More]

Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801

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Peace That Passes Understanding

Help from “So That” Prayers

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)

The Lord has amazing timing, doesn’t he? For several months I have been pulling together resources and studying Scriptures to write this devotional. By the time I sat down actually to write it, peace had become far more than just a topic to study. It was becoming an integral part of my life. I had no idea how important that was to become.

I often withdraw to other places to write, and I did so for this devotional. The Holy Spirit was at work and it seemed like the devotionals flowed for several days. Then came the call. It was a call I was waiting for from some medical tests I had done a week earlier. The tests results showed that I had a rare form of cancer called B Cell Mantle Lymphoma. I confess that the writing stopped for two days while my wife, Kim and I scoured the internet to learn all we could of this disease. As we learned, we discovered things we didn’t want to know! This was going to be a full-on struggle to survive! I can honestly say that though we had moments of uncertainty and stress, God’s peace never left us.

Writing a manuscript on God’s peace in an imperfect world was a miraculous blessing from God to prepare me through his Word, with his peace, for the news he knew I would soon receive.

Far more than just an academic topic, his peace is a reality. A precious gift to be received and for which we give thanks.

It is a peace beyond understanding. A cancer diagnosis typically brings much fear and anxiety and I do not pretend that there have not been anxious thoughts. But in a way I do not understand and cannot begin to explain, God’s amazing peace guarded our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I think the keyword is guard. It isn’t that there are not anxious thoughts and fears that arise. But a guard has supernaturally been set upon our hearts through Christ Jesus. This guard is awake and alert and prevents the natural thoughts and fears from gaining a foothold in our lives. Our minds and emotions do not have to be subservient to the circumstances around us. The peace of God is a strong guard that protects us and allows us to overcome a situation with the thoughts that come from him.

Once again, the key to all of this is desiring it and asking for it. You can read Phil. 4:7 and feel good about it but if you do not through prayer and faith accept it into your life, it is simply nice words. God’s peace is available for all followers of Christ if we will ask for it and accept it into our lives. Then we can cultivate his peace through a life of prayer and trust.

My Prayer

How grateful I am Lord, for your timing and the way you prepared me for the news of the medical issues I face. But you had already placed your peace in my life to guard and protect me. I know Lord, you want this for all of your people. Help us to be those who walk daily in your peace as we spend our days with you.

Prayer Point

Ask the Lord to place peace as a guard for your heart and mind.

4 Steps to Overcome Spiritual Dryness

Help from “So That” Prayers

I love a good rain in the summer–especially after it has been awhile since we have had a downpour. Rain changes so much. There is a fresh, sweet smell that comes with it, a coolness in the heat, and all vegetation perks up and greens up. It makes one feel good.

Rain is also a metaphor for the pouring out of the Spirit in our lives and churches. When our souls become parched and dry spiritually, we need something to fill them with fresh spiritual vigor. We need rain.

What is the rain we so long for and need? Ultimately, it is the Lord’s presence. Jesus Himself spoke of the living water that we would need in our lives. The Scripture speaks of “times of refreshing” (Acts 3:19). Such a time as this is not so much an experience as it is a Person–a waking up to the presence of Christ in our lives. The prophet Hosea spoke of this spiritual rain.

“Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge Him. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.” (Hos. 6:3)

“Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until He comes and showers righteousness on you.” (Hos. 10:12)

Whether we are asking for ourselves, our church, or our nation, Hosea chapter 10 gives us what we need to do to end drought and prepare for rain.


1. “Sow for yourselves righteousness.”

Both Old and New Testaments teach us the spiritual principles that you reap what you sow. If you plant wheat, you do not harvest corn. If you plant immorality, you will harvest immorality. Many people, including us at times, sow greed, pleasure, immorality, and self-centeredness . . . and as a result, we reap the results of that. Unfortunately, it is all too easy for the church, and us as believers, to join with society in reaping the same damaging seed. God’s Word says to sow righteousness–sow right things. We must speak right things, watch right things, read right things, and do right things. The Bible becomes the means for us to see what those right things are. God’s Word gives us a standard for righteousness. Righteousness is not what seems right to a man, but what is right to God.

If you want to move past spiritual dryness, check what you are sowing. If you are sowing damaging seed here and there, stop. Sow right things!


2. “Reap the fruit of unfailing love.”

When righteousness has been sown, we will naturally begin to harvest the fruit of unfailing love. God loves everyone, but the fruit, the benefits of that love, come to those who are moving to establish God’s righteousness as the standard for their lives. There are many unclaimed blessings. One of the most neglected is the fruit of unfailing love. It only comes to those who have sown righteousness in their lives.

As you sow righteousness, you should start to see clear signs of God’s love at work in your life. Recognize them, and praise the Lord for them. Watch what that does to your parched soul!


3. “Break up your unplowed ground.”

Unplowed ground has a hard time receiving rain. Sun-scorched, baked earth forms a hard crust. When rain comes, it simply runs off hard ground rather than soak in to soften it.

Unplowed ground is a picture of the unrepentant life. The rain of God’s righteousness will not soak in and change a life that is hard and unrepentant. So the command here is: “Repent! Change! Go a different direction!”

That is always God’s call to those seeking revival. Today so many who seek revival, the rain from heaven, seem to want just good feelings or nice meetings. However, the good things of revival come only after times of tears and repentance. God’s command is to break up the hard, unplowed ground of your lives before you will see the rain of revival.

Ask God to break up the hard ground of your heart. Repent of those things that keep your heart hard.


4. “It is time to seek the Lord.”

Those in periods of spiritual dryness often go looking for answers in many places. But God’s Word directs us to the only place where we can experience renewal–the rain of heaven–and it is to seek the Lord.

Hosea 10:12 gives great hope to us today. When we have broken up the unplowed ground in repentance and begin to seek the Lord with all our heart, then the promise comes. It is the Lord Himself who comes in response to a repentant, seeking heart, ready to shower His righteousness upon us. It is Jesus Himself in the midst of His people, receiving our worship, and showering upon us the blessings of His Presence.

A simple, but continual remembrance–and practice–of these four steps can keep your heart always soft before Him. You will experience the rain of His Presence on a regular basis in your life.