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15 Ways to Make Prayer A Natural Part of Your Everyday Family Life

15 Ways to Make Prayer A Natural Part of Your Everyday Family Life


By Kim Butts

1. Help your children to become aware of answered prayer. Tell them about the times in your life when God has answered your prayers. Encourage them to share when God answers their prayers – even if His answer is not what they wanted or expected. When you have other believers, especially missionaries and full-time Christian workers in your home, ask them to tell you about answered prayers they have experienced. Point out God’s answers to your children’s prayers – even the smallest requests.

2. Help your children to see the beauty of God’s creation and thank Him for it. Do not miss opportunities to appreciate His handiwork around you. Take time to point out sunsets and beautiful flowers. Thank God for them right then.

3. Whenever you see or hear about someone in need, take time to pray about it with your children. It could be something on the news or in the paper, or something you come across during the course of your day. Teaching them to pray when they see an accident or when you pass a homeless person could have a lasting influence not only on your children, but on those who are prayed for.

4. Wrap family traditions or events in special times of prayer. For example, lay hands on the person with a birthday and bless him or her; thank the Lord for two things that you love about her, etc. When seated at the Thanksgiving meal, go around the table and have each family member pray about what he or she is most thankful for over the past year

5. Pray blessings over your children. Lay hands on them at bedtime or at another time when they are hurting in some way, and pray scriptural blessings over them. Numbers 6:24-26 is a good one to memorize: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”

6. Teach your children to prayerfully put on the armor of God at the beginning of each new day (Eph. 6:10-18).Each of us needs to be aware that we are in a spiritual battle and that God has provided us with some very important spiritual equipment with which to protect ourselves and fight Satan. This can be done as a family, but do not ritualize it or make it a legalistic thing.

7.Have family devotions and prayer time. While any time is good, early mornings before everyone goes separate ways is probably the best time. This will remind children that God will be with them throughout the day.

8.Put together a family prayer journal. Place each family member’s picture in it, as well as pictures of your pastor and his family, relatives, unsaved friends, and neighbors. Pray through the album together, and encourage one another to pray individually on a daily basis for those represented.

9.Teach children to keep a personal prayer journal. Here they can record personal requests, praises, and answers to prayer.

10.Develop a missionary prayer notebook. Place prayer cards or pictures of missionaries your family and/or church support in a three-ring binder with plastic page protectors, colorful paper, etc. Include pages with pockets for recent newsletters, prayer needs, e-mail messages, etc. Pray through the notebook on a regular basis. Help your children make the connection between prayer and saving the lost. Pray together that the Lord of the harvest (Matt. 9:38) would send workers into His harvest fields.

11.Adopt a people group to pray for – perhaps one of the unreached groups of the 10/40 Window. Pray for your people group daily, research its needs, and be open to what God will do through your family.

12.Develop a family prayer calendar each month. Take turns, or do it together. Put each family event or activity on the calendar, so it can be prayed for.

13.Go on a prayerwalk in your neighborhood. Pray for all the families that live around you.

14. Adopt a leader to pray for. Adopt a local, state, or national political leader, and pray for and communicate with this leader for at least one year.

15.Participate as a family in prayer events. Join with other believers for the National Day of Prayer (first Thursday in May), Global Day of Prayer, Praying Through the Window, etc. Encourage your junior high or senior high school children to take part in See You at the Pole.

– Used with permission of Pray! magazine.

PRAYER, PEACE, and the PRESENCE of GOD by David Butts

As believers, we are supposed to walk in the peace of Christ, yet we all have stressful issues and circumstances that rob us of this peace. Subtitled “A 30-Day Journey to Experience the Shalom of Jesus,” Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God powerfully encourages the reader on how to hold onto that peace in any circumstance.

The author, David Butts (1953-2022), started writing this book and 10 days into it he got word that he was in stage 4 with a rare form of lymphoma. God allowed him to live in a greater way for five additional years of full-strength ministry.  Dave has challenged readers in Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God to seek after His  best life, no matter what it holds.

His 30-day devotional will encourage, inspire and challenge you that you, too, can experience and walk in the peace of Jesus no matter what circumstances you are walking through.

 Learn more about purchasing this book here

Sign Up for Connection! Daily Prayer Devotions 

A daily devotional on prayer. Each devotional includes an inspiring and challenging message on prayer, a prayer to pray and several scripture-based prayer points. Here is a note from one of our thousands of subscribers from all over the world: “Thank you for your faithfulness in service to the Kingdom of God!! These devotionals make a difference in my life as the Holy Spirit speaks to my heart!” – Diane H.

Sign Up for Prayer Tip Tuesday

Each week we will email you some short  tips and a resource to encourage and challenge you to go deeper in prayer.

Harvest does not rent our email lists to other organizations. On rare occasions we will use our lists to inform our friends of prayer events or initiatives of national or international importance, and occasionally we will use our lists to inform our friends of a financial need in the ministry.

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(812) 230-3130

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Clara’s Prayer

Clara’s Prayer


By Kim Butts

“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:44).

This verse became very personal for me one winter, shortly after I had given my life to Jesus. Clara, an older woman in my church, revealed that she had been praying for me daily for more than two years. She did not really know me, but she knew that I needed to give my heart to Christ. The significance of that moment did not hit me until I came face to face with John 6:44. Had God been drawing me while I was too busy to hear or pay attention? I could truthfully say that I had never known any other person who was interceding on my behalf. It made me ask, “What if she had not been praying for me?”

I believe that Clara’s prayers allowed my heart to be open to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Because she cried out to God for my soul, I now have everlasting life. God was patiently wooing me, but in my ignorance and pride, I already believed I was going to heaven because I was a “good person.” Clara prayed that I would bow my knee before the King of kings. As she did battle on my behalf, I began to soften my will before God, responding to His call to make His Son my Lord and Savior.

As God’s people have gotten serious about the need to pray for the lost, neighbors, friends and families, and unreached peoples all over the planet are responding to Him. Even in nations where missionaries are not tolerated, people are having dreams and visions of Jesus. How is this possible apart from the Spirit of God drawing them to Himself in response to the prayers of God’s people? Consider how many people are lost to the prince of darkness because no one has prayed that their lives would respond to a beckoning Father. I have no doubt that prayer is the front-line strategy for missions. We may never know until heaven how many lives have been opened to receive Christ because of our prayers.

Spirit of the Living God, break my heart for lost people! Touch me in the deepest places of my soul with longing to be continually aware of those around me, and those around the world who have yet to come to You. Give me a burden to pray for their hearts to be opened so that they might respond as You draw them to Yourself. May I never assume that someone else will pray when You have placed a person, a people group or a nation upon my heart. Use me, Father, to be the conduit that allows lost people to be drawn by You and to You.

– Taken from Revolution on Our Knees (30 Days of Prayer for Neighbors and Nations) by David & Kim Butts.


PRAYER, PEACE, and the PRESENCE of GOD by David Butts

As believers, we are supposed to walk in the peace of Christ, yet we all have stressful issues and circumstances that rob us of this peace. Subtitled “A 30-Day Journey to Experience the Shalom of Jesus,” Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God powerfully encourages the reader on how to hold onto that peace in any circumstance.

The author, David Butts (1953-2022), started writing this book and 10 days into it he got word that he was in stage 4 with a rare form of lymphoma. God allowed him to live in a greater way for five additional years of full-strength ministry.  Dave has challenged readers in Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God to seek after His  best life, no matter what it holds.

His 30-day devotional will encourage, inspire and challenge you that you, too, can experience and walk in the peace of Jesus no matter what circumstances you are walking through.

 Learn more about purchasing this book here

Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801

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5 Prayers for Difficult Days, Seasons and Situations

5 Prayers for Difficult Days, Seasons and Situations


By Kim Butts

Living in these difficult days requires leaning into God with all we have! It is so easy to fall into despair, or to be filled with anxiety. Sometimes we allow ourselves to be a target for the Enemy when we let our guard down.  As a friend of mine, Bill Elliff, recently quoted, “Don’t let the Devil rent space in your head.” This is great advice! The Devil would definitely like to take up residence to destroy our minds and our trust in the One whose…”divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness” (2 Peter 1:3).

During the Collegiate Day of Prayer, held on the campus of Asbury University in February of 2023, a young college student gave a powerful testimony. She talked about how anxiety and depression “characterize” her generation and that she had suffered for many years with such feelings. However, after several days of experiencing the nearness and presence of God in the Asbury Outpouring, she said, “I wish I could say that my anxiety and depression was gone, but it isn’t. The difference is that because of Jesus, it no longer has the victory over me!

Here is a short prayer guide to help you fight back when the enemy of our souls is tempting you to sink into anxiety, despair, depression or defeat:

  • Praise God as your Helper: “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, so that He may be with you forever; the Helper is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him; but you know Him because He remains with you and will be in you” (John 14:16-17).

Pray: Father, You have given me the Holy Spirit to help me, to guide me, to reveal truth to me, and to remain in me always. Help me to seek out the Spirit’s help whenever the world lies to me and tells me I am not enough, or that my situation is impossible to conquer. May I trust His guidance through the pitfalls and darkness of a culture that seeks to destroy me, so that instead, I can focus on the promises of the word of God which teaches me the culture of heaven.

  • Thank Him for being your Immanuel (the God who is always with you):

“Behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and they shall name Him Immanuel,” which translated means, ‘God with us’” (Matthew 1:23).

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them; for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Pray: Immanuel, thank You for always being with me in all things and wherever I find myself. I believe Your word that tells me to be strong and courageous in the face of people and circumstances that make me feel less than all You have created me to be. I trust You to remain at my side always, guiding me and protecting me from lies, doubt, discouragement, anxiety, dark thoughts, or anything else that would try to keep me from the light of Your perfect presence.

  • Pour out your heart in confession for the times when you have doubted that God’s love and power has surrounded you completely, guarding your life:

“You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me” (Ps. 139:5).

Pray: Lord Jesus, forgive me for doubting that You are able to do far more abundantly beyond all that I could ever ask or think according to the power that works within me. Forgive me for forgetting that the One who lives within me is greater than the world. I’m sorry that I fall short of living into the power and purpose of the life of Christ in me, the hope of glory! Help me to quickly remember how to fight back when I am tempted to allow struggle, anxiety, hurt, pain or any other emotion to overwhelm me! You alone have the victory in my life!

  • Commit the times of your life into God’s hands:

“But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord, I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies and from those who persecute me” (Ps. 31: 14-15).

Pray: O Lord, I trust in You because You are my God! All of my times are in Your hand, every second of every hour of every day! Please deliver me from dark and evil situations, from people who are not following in Your ways and want me to join them, and from those who would harm me physically, spiritually or emotionally. O Lord, I trust in You, for You are my God!

  • Ask the Father to show you how close He is to you as you call on Him and trust in Him:

“The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth” (Psalm 145:18).

Pray: Father, I know in my head and through Scripture that You are near when I call to You in truth! Help that knowledge to go from my head to my heart! May I always sense the peace of Your presence in my life so that sin, evil, darkness, anxiety, depression and so many other problems can’t overwhelm me or defeat me! Show me how to trust You enough to experience Your victory in all things and through any situation that I face!

As you use these Scriptures and prayers to jumpstart the prayers of your own heart, let this blessing take root in your life as God answers:

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

PRAYER, PEACE, and the PRESENCE of GOD by David Butts

As believers, we are supposed to walk in the peace of Christ, yet we all have stressful issues and circumstances that rob us of this peace. Subtitled “A 30-Day Journey to Experience the Shalom of Jesus,” Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God powerfully encourages the reader on how to hold onto that peace in any circumstance.

The author, David Butts (1953-2022), started writing this book and 10 days into it he got word that he was in stage 4 with a rare form of lymphoma. God allowed him to live in a greater way for five additional years of full-strength ministry.  Dave has challenged readers in Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God to seek after His  best life, no matter what it holds.

His 30-day devotional will encourage, inspire and challenge you that you, too, can experience and walk in the peace of Jesus no matter what circumstances you are walking through.

 Learn more about purchasing this book here

Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801

Follow HPM on Facebook

Praying For Your Neighbors

Praying For Your Neighbors

By Kim Butts

Prayer is the most powerful form of evangelism, and everyone can do it!  It is my personal belief that no one comes to Christ apart from prayer.  Many of us had parents, grandparents or friends who prayed that we would know Jesus personally.  Some of us may not know who prayed for the eyes of our hearts to be opened, and may never know until we arrive in heaven.  What we do know, through Scripture, is that no one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ (John 14:6).  And, no one can come to Jesus Christ unless the Father who sent Jesus draws him (John 6:44).  God draws us to Himself through the prayers of His people.

Be constantly aware of the people whom God places on your heart to pray for – they may be your prayer assignments.  Your prayers may ultimately result in their eternal destiny being changed from darkness to light.  The Lord wants everyone to pray for, care about and share his or her faith in Christ with others because He “wants all men [and women and children] to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:4).  His way of accomplishing this is for His people to pray for those who are still in darkness.

Perhaps the greatest mission field that most families will ever have is the neighborhood.  There are many families and individuals living within a short walking distance of your home who have never known Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  Whether you live in a subdivision, an apartment building, a college dorm, or even out in the country, you can pray effectively and powerfully for your neighbors.

Praying the Word of God

As we pray for our neighbors, we should always remember that His Word will bring life and light into the lives of others, as it has for us.  “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psa. 119:105).  Praying the Word of God into the lives and situations of those around us blesses them, and fulfills God’s desire to see us apply His Word to our actions.  For example, try praying the blessing from Numbers 6:24-26, “Lord, bless them and keep them.  Make Your face shine upon them and be gracious to them.  Father, turn Your face toward them and give them peace.”  Isn’t that a much more powerful prayer than, “Lord, bless our neighbors”?

When we pray the Word of God into the lives and situations of others, God can do some amazing things.  “The unfolding of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple” (Psa. 119:130).  Those who could not understand before are able to grasp the things of God.  When we pray, their hearts and minds can be opened to receive from the Lord.

The Light of Christ in You

Matthew 5:14-16 says, “You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”  Your neighbors need to see the light of Jesus Christ in you.  When they begin to see that there is a difference in you, they will want to know what it is and they may even want it for themselves.  We need to allow God’s plans and purposes to shine through us.

When you pray for your neighbors, ask God to give you opportunities to care for them as well.  Perhaps an elderly woman needs someone to mow the lawn, or a mother with a new baby would appreciate someone going to the grocery store for her.  Maybe a new couple in the neighborhood would appreciate being invited over for dinner to get to know your family.  God will open up opportunities to care about people if you will simply ask Him.  Then, He can allow your light to shine into the lives of others.  Praying for neighbors will lead to caring about them, which will eventually open a door for you to share Jesus with them.

The Light of Life

“…[Jesus] said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’” (John 8:12).  God’s plan is for lost people to seek and know Christ.  As we walk in obedience to the Lord, and begin to pray for them, their eyes can be opened so that the truth of Jesus can be made known to their hearts.

As we pray for our neighbors, we will find an amazing thing happening.  We will begin to care for them more deeply, and even to love them as Jesus does.

The Five Blessings

One way to pray for our neighbors (and others) is to pray the Five Blessings based on the acronym BLESS:

– BODY – pray for their physical bodies; for health and safety

– LABOR – pray for their work, school, finances

E – EMOTIONAL – pray for their emotional needs

S – SOCIAL – pray for their relationships with family and friends

S – SPIRITUAL – pray for their relationship with Jesus Christ

The most effective way to pray the Five Blessings for your neighbors, as we have already established, is to pray the Word of God into their lives.  Here are some examples:

  • Body– “Lord, help my neighbors to lie down and sleep in peace because You make them dwell in safety” (Psa. 4:8).
  • Labor– “May Your favor rest upon my neighbors, Lord.  Establish the work of their hands” (Psa. 90:17).
  • Emotional– “Father, help our neighbors to live in peaceful, secure homes and to have undisturbed places of rest” (Isa. 32:18).  “Help them to know that the joy that comes from You is their strength” (Neh. 8:10).
  • Social– “Lord, give my neighbors the ability to live in harmony with one another, and to be sympathetic, loving, compassionate and humble in their families and relationships” (1 Pet. 3:8).
  • Spiritual– “Gracious God, let my neighbors see that You are the Way and the Truth and the Life.  May they realize that no one can come to You except through Jesus Christ” (John 14:6).

Powerful Results

Using this simple plan to pray for your neighbors as a family will yield powerful results – even though you may not see the results for some time.  As you begin to pray for your neighbors, you will be amazed at how much love God pours into your hearts for them.  Look for ways to show the love of Jesus to them through acts of caring.  Then, as you feel led by the Holy Spirit, begin to share the Gospel with them.  Let them know what Jesus has done in your lives.  Because you have prepared the ground in advance through prayer, and because you have shown them love through acts of caring, they will be more prepared and ready to hear what you have to say.

Children love to pray for neighbors, and will readily join in. You will have an opportunity to grow as a family together in prayer and in the process of becoming more like Christ.

PRAYER, PEACE, and the PRESENCE of GOD by David Butts

As believers, we are supposed to walk in the peace of Christ, yet we all have stressful issues and circumstances that rob us of this peace. Subtitled “A 30-Day Journey to Experience the Shalom of Jesus,” Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God powerfully encourages the reader on how to hold onto that peace in any circumstance.

The author, David Butts (1953-2022), started writing this book and 10 days into it he got word that he was in stage 4 with a rare form of lymphoma. God allowed him to live in a greater way for five additional years of full-strength ministry.  Dave has challenged readers in Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God to seek after His  best life, no matter what it holds.

His 30-day devotional will encourage, inspire and challenge you that you, too, can experience and walk in the peace of Jesus no matter what circumstances you are walking through.

 Learn more about purchasing this book here

Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801

Follow HPM on Facebook

Praying Kingdom Prayers (75 Spiritual Qualities and Blessings to Pray)

Praying Kingdom Prayers

(75 Spiritual Qualities and Blessings to Pray)

by Dr. Alvin VanderGriend

 This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven…And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” (Matthew 6:9–10,13)

Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake. (Revelation 8:3–5)

One of the most exciting discoveries that I ever made about prayer was that, when we are praying for ourselves [petition], if our hearts are right with God and we ask in accord with His will, God will give us what we ask (1 John 5:14–15). In an effort to personally claim that promise and receive God’s riches, I made a list of seventy-five spiritual qualities and blessings mentioned in scripture—things I could be sure were “in accord with God’s will.” I understood these to be God’s purposes in my life. I asked God for these things several times each week. What I found was that God, true to His word, heard and answered these prayers. Little by little these qualities and graces became more and more real in my life. God was answering because I was praying for what He wanted. I was praying kingdom prayers.

When we intercede in faith for things that God purposes to do, we can pray with absolute assurance that He hears and answers these prayers. They may not always be answered according to our expectations or on our timetables, but they will surely be answered. Our prayers contribute to what God is doing—building His kingdom.


 Spiritual Qualities & Blessings God Will Give to Those Who Ask

 Use this list to form your kingdom prayers. Perhaps you will want to journal through this list as you ask God for what you desire Him to develop in you, and as you ask Him for His blessing in your life.

  • Love

“The fruit of the Spirit is…love.” (Gal. 5:22)

  • Joy

“The fruit of the Spirit is…joy.” (Gal. 5:22)

  • Peace

“The fruit of the Spirit is…peace.” (Gal. 5:22)

  • Patience

“The fruit of the Spirit is…patience.” (Gal. 5:22)

  • Kindness

“The fruit of the Spirit is…kindness.” (Gal. 5:22)

  • Goodness

“The fruit of the Spirit is…goodness.” (Gal. 5:22)

  • Faithfulness

“The fruit of the Spirit is…faithfulness.” (Gal. 5:22)

  • Gentleness

“The fruit of the Spirit is…gentleness.” (Gal. 5:23)

  • Self-control

“The fruit of the Spirit is…selfcontrol.” (Gal. 5:23)

  • Truth

“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth.” (Eph. 6:14)

  • Faith

“Take up the shield of faith.” (Eph. 6:16)

  • Hope

“We have this hope as an anchor.” (Heb. 6:19)

  • Spiritual Wisdom

“Wisdom is supreme; therefore, get wisdom.” (Pr. 4:7)

  • Goodness

“Make every effort to add goodness.” (2 Pet. 1:5)

  • Knowledge

“Make every effort to add…knowledge.” (2 Pet. 1:5)

  • Perseverance

“Make every effort to add…perseverance.” (2 Pet. 1:6)

  • Godliness

“Make every effort to add…godliness.” (2 Pet. 1:7)

  • Depth of Insight

“abound…in depth of insight.” (Phil. 1:9)

  • Discernment

“able to discern what is best.” (Phil. 1:9)

  • Blameless

“able to be…blameless.” (Phil. 1:10)

  • Righteousness

“filled with the fruit of righteousness.” (Phil. 1:11)

  • Understanding

“fill you with…spiritual…understanding.” (Col. 1:9)

  • Worthy Life

“We pray that you may live a life worthy of the Lord.” (Col.   1:10)

  • Please God in All Things

“We pray that you may…please God in every way.” (Col. 1:10)

  • Fruitfulness

“We pray that you may…bear fruit in every good work.” (Col.1:10)

  • Spiritual Power

“We pray that you may…be strengthened with all power.” (Col. 1:11)

  • Endurance

“so that you may have great endurance.” (Col. 1:1l)

  • Gratefulness

“We pray that you may…joyfully give thanks.” (Col. 1:12)

  • Compassion

“Clothe yourselves with compassion.” (Col. 3:12)

  • Brotherly Kindness

“Clothe yourselves …with kindness.” (Col. 3:12)

  • Humility

“Clothe yourselves with…humility.” (Col. 3:12)

  • Forbearance

Bear with each other.” (Col. 3:13)

  • Forgiveness

Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (Col. 3:13)

  • Word of Christ

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” (Col. 3:16)

  • Watchfulness

“Devote yourselves to prayer being watchful.” (Col. 4:2)

  • Graciousness

“Let your conversation be seasoned with salt.” (Col. 4:6)

  • Obedience

“If anyone loves me he will obey my teaching.” (Jn. 14:23)

  • Holiness

“You ought to live holy and godly lives.” (2 Pet. 3:11)

  • Filling of the Spirit

“Be filled with the Spirit.” (Eph. 5:18)

  • Conformity to Christ

“Predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.” (Rom. 8:29)

  • Spiritual Riches

“Chosen…to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom.” (Jas. 2:5)

  • God’s Calling

“Live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” (Eph. 4:1)

  • Grace

“But grow in the grace…of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 3:18)

  • Spiritual Growth

“Crave spiritual milk so that…you may grow.” (1 Pet. 2:2)

  • Spirit of Praise

“Offer to God a sacrifice of praise.” (Heb. 3:15)

  • Blessings of the Lord

“The Lord bless you and keep you.” (Num. 6:24)

  • Protection of the Lord

“The Lord will keep you from all harm.” (Ps. 121:7)

  • Smile of God

“The Lord make his face to shine upon you.” (Num. 6:25)

  • Sound Spirit

“May your…spirit be kept blameless…” (1 Thess. 5:23)

  • Sound Soul

“May your…soul be kept blameless…” (1 Thess. 5:23)

  • Sound Body

“May your…body be kept blameless…” (1 Thess. 5:23)

  • Praising Heart

Praise the Lord, O my soul…” (Psalm 146:1)

  • Repentance

“Godly sorrow brings repentance…” (2 Co. 7:10)

  • Submission

Submit yourselves, then, to God…” (Jas. 4:7)

  • Prayer Devoted

“Devote yourselves to prayer.” (Col. 4:2)

  • Meditation

Meditate on it (the book of law) day and night…” (Jos. 1:8)

  • Poor of Spirit

“Blessed are the poor in spirit.” (Matt. 5:3)

  • Mournful

“Blessed are those who mourn.” (Matt. 5:4)

  • Meekness

“Blessed are the meek.” (Matt. 5:5)

  • Hunger after Righteousness

“Blessed are those who hunger…after righteousness.” (Matt. 5:6)

  • Merciful

“Blessed are the merciful.” (Matt. 5:7)

  • Purity of Heart

“Blessed are the pure in heart.” (Matt. 5:8)

  • Peacemaker

“Blessed are the peacemakers.” (Matt. 5:9)

  • Salt of the Earth

“You are the salt of the earth.” (Matt. 5:13)

  • Light of the World

“You are the light of the world.” (Matt. 5:14-16)

  • Delivered from Evil

Deliver us from evil.” (Matt. 6:13)

  • Abiding in Christ

“Abide in me and I will abide in you.” (John 15:4)

  • Equipped for Good Work

“Thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim. 3:17)

  • Integrity

“The integrity of the upright guides them…” (Prov. 11:3)

  • Mind of Christ

“We have the mind of Christ.” (1 Co 2:16)

  • Quietness and Confidence

“The fruit…will be quietness and confidence forever.” (Isa:17)

  • Thinking God’s Thoughts

“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!” (Ps. 139:17)

  • Useful to the Master

Made holy, useful to the master.” (2 Tim. 2:21)

  • Spirit of Worship

Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.” (1 Ch.16:29)

  • Thirst for God

“My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” (Ps. 42:2)

  • Zeal for the Lord

“Never be lacking in zeal, keep your spiritual fervor.” (Rom. 12:11)

  • Generosity

“Honor the Lord with your wealth.” (Pr. 3:9)

  • Honesty

“Do not give false testimony…” (Matt. 19:18)

  • Holy Spirit

“Your Father in heaven will give the Holy Spirit…” (Lk 11:13)

  • Eternal Life

“The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.” (Rom. 6:23)


© Harvest Prayer Ministries 

PRAYER, PEACE, and the PRESENCE of GOD by David Butts

As believers, we are supposed to walk in the peace of Christ, yet we all have stressful issues and circumstances that rob us of this peace. Subtitled “A 30-Day Journey to Experience the Shalom of Jesus,” Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God powerfully encourages the reader on how to hold onto that peace in any circumstance.

When author, David Butts (1953-2022), first started writing this book, he got word ten days into the project that he was in stage 4 with a rare form of lymphoma. God not only allowed him to complete the book, but to live for five more full-strength years. His 30-day devotional will encourage, inspire and challenge you to walk in the peace of Jesus no matter what situations or struggles you are walking through.

Learn more about purchasing this book here

Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801

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